Dual- and Multi-Layer Extrusion
For dual- and multi-layer extrusion different types of heads are available .
Depending on the chosen crosshead extrusion of dual-layer, dual-layer plus co-extrusion of stripe/skin or triple layer plus co-extrusion of stripe/skin can be realized.

DL = dual layer extrusion
DLV = dual layer- plus co-extrusion of stripe/skin
TLV = triple layer- plus co-extrusion of stripe/skin
S = fixed centered
M = manual centered
Head design
FW = heads for color changing systems
MD = heads available in different designs, as per extruder arrangement and working direction
Distribution cartridges
All melt distributors are manufactured in free flow design with single or double distribution curves without holes or slots. For special applications, additional cartridges are available.
Different types of heads are available for dual- and multi-layer extrusion. Depending on the chosen crosshead extrusion of dual-layer, dual-layer plus co-extrusion of stripe/skin or triple layer plus co-extrusion of stripe/skin can be done.The number mentioned in the type specification below identifies the size of the engaged tools. All dimensions must be seen as guide figures. For the selection of the most suitable head size the following parameters are decisive: product dimensions, required capacity and the selected material. In addition our production range features a special crosshead type UXH7SC-2-V for datacom cables.